November 22, 2011

Akibat kehadiran bang Oji

nngggggg..ini gue serius, malem-malem gini entah kenapa tiba-tiba timbul hasrat pengen ngepost (setelah berjuta-juta detik ga update blog) sesuatu yang agak tidak terlalu penting untuk di posting, tapi sayang juga kalo ga di posting.

Sat, 19 Nov 2011
(via BlackBerry Messenger)

Syndhi  : - Nis!, ditanyain Frisna besok mau ikut ke urbanfest ga?
Anies   : - Iya tadi dy jg sms
             - gatau deh
             - puyeng gw
Syndhi  : - yah bales lah
              - masa sampe nanya ke gue
              - dia sms tadi
Anies   : - Udah gw bales ko
Syndhi  : - Yaudsss
Anies   : - Pending nih pake I*3
             - (emoticon Rolling eyes)
Syndhi  : - Yaudaaah, ganti e*ia aja. hahahaha!
Anies    : - Ganti telfon koin aja ah
Syndhi  : - Telfon kaleng aja nis 
Anies    : - Telpon puter
Syndhi  : - Telpon goyang
Anies    : - Mane adee sarappp
Syndhi  : - Ada
Anies    : - apa?
Syndhi  : - Yang megang telpon bang oji
Anies    : - Babs!!
Syndhi   : - (emoticon Rolling On The Floor)
Anies    : - (emoticon Orang Autis Lagi nguap)

Udah sih gitu aja --------------

August 16, 2011

birth die talk

Ketika waktu menunjukkan sekitar pukul 02.00 pagi dini hari, dua sejoli yang saling mencintai dan menyayangi melakukan kegiatan rutin bercakap-cakap via telepon genggam setiap malam, dan terjadilah peristiwa seperti ini..

A : "cieeeeee, yang sebentar lagi ulang tahun!!"
S : "hahaha,!" (cuma cengengesan malu)
A : "cieeeeee, yang sebentar lagi ulang tahun!!" 
S : "hehehehe" (cengengesan lagi)
A : "cieeeeee, yang sebentar lagi ulang tahun!!"
S : "hehehe, 3 bulan lagi yang" (cengengesan lagi)
A : "cieeeeee, yang sebentar lagi ulang tahun!!"
S : (agak geram) "apasih sayang?! buset masih lamaaa!"
A : "ukuran BH kamu berapa yang?"
S : ".............................................................."

sekian. kalo diterusin makin bahaya..

August 15, 2011

Artwork for sale !

Design for T shirt
just contact me at :

August 12, 2011

If I was a lesbian, I would like to marry them

Emma Watson

Kristen Stewart

Hayley Williams

Sierra Kusterbeck

They are SEXAAAAAY! enough said.

August 10, 2011

The Purpee

I've done for this cutie one, check out here on my deviantART :)

Quote of the day

"Ketika tulus mencinta, kamu tak akan menyerah. Kamu mungkin lelah, tapi kamu tetap berusaha, karena cinta selalu temukan cara."

"Kesungguhan Cinta dan ketulusan cinta tidak akan luntur hanya dengan keegoisan semata."

"Jgn mencintai seseorang sprti bunga, krna bunga mati kala musim berganti. Cintailah mereka sprti sungai, karena sungai mengalir selamanya."

"kenapa Tuhan menciptakan kita dengan banyak perbedaan kalau DIA hanya ingin disembah dengan satu cara?" -- cin(T)a

"makanya, Tuhan menciptakan CINTA, supaya yang berbeda-beda bisa: SATU" -- cin(T)a

"cuma aku dan Tuhan yang bisa cinta sama kamu" -- cin(T)a

"cuma Tuhan yang tahu bagaimana rasanya menjadi: AKU!" -- cin(T)a

"Kalau teman hidupku nanti, harus lebih mencintai TUHAN-ku daripada aku" -- cin(T)a

mmmm...These are so DEEP!! so DEEP !! I can strongly feel it :|

August 09, 2011

it's cute!!


Disaat adik gue yang super jenius dan memang agak geser bernama Putra lagi belajar buat Ujian Agama besok, seluruh anggota keluarga sedang berkumpul dan disaat suasana hening dia bertanya.....

Putra   : "Mah! emang Nabi Ibrahim lahirnya kapan sih?"
Mama  : "Sebelum Masehi"
Putra   : "Sebelum Masehi itu apaan?"
Mama  : "Pokoknya sebelum tahun 1 (satu)"
Putra   : "Oh! berarti tahun minus dong?!"
semua yang mendengar : "..........................................."

Tiba-tiba berbagai cercaan melayang kearah beliau.

August 08, 2011

Emang lah si bieber

Percakapan yang memang agak random ini terjadi saat beberapa menit setelah berbuka puas tadi..
Mama   : "Eh, Justin Bieber udah putusan ya..."
Syndhi  : "iya, ih tau dari mana ma?"
Mama   : "Tadi nonton TV..."
Syndhi  : "oooh, (dalem hati : 'yah terus kenapa mah?') "
Mother-mother jaman sekarang ya sukanya sama yang imut-imut (-_-')

4 seasons

"Four Seasons" by Romiro Amoreno


August 06, 2011


I want a workspace like these!! hey Tinkerbell! please gimme your fairy dust..

August 05, 2011


This is sooooooooo awesome !!

July 17, 2011

Flora and Fauna

 Sunday noon my boyfriend took me to flora and fauna exhibition at Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta. It was when the weather sweltering and very hot, we were just go around to see millions of plants and various animal kinds. It was fun, although the weather was so very damn hot, and I'm extremely can't stand with heat weather (honestly, I was so sweaty), but I enjoy it.

  I took some picture, while my boyfriend was busy seeing the animals. While in the booth reptiles, my boyfriend was so interested with baby python which sold very cheap, and I was like "yes dear, just buy it" and a few minutes later I was like "but then what if neglected? he could just bite your nephew", and finally he didn't buy it because so many considerations to be made.

  After tired around, we sat in the park and see little kids playing paintball and flying fox. Highly churning stomach to see the kids playing, we couldn't resist laugh, they are very tiny like peas, hahaha! and after that we went to a shoes store in Bekasi, we just look around and then go home, that day was very tiring, but I'm happy to spent my time with my boyfriend :) 

♥ Syndhi

Big cactus


this dog is cute, he just keep looking at my camera

I don't have idea what's the name of it

 A sleeping owl, how cute !


sleeping little monkeys

a huge iguana


 I found a flying nemo, hahaha

 He kept biting his nail while lookin at the kids playing

meet the cutest kid of the day


super tiny kid, he's cute. I can't stop giggling when I see him.
we were burst out laughing when we saw this kid run.

Unfortunately his phone was error when we can't stop laughing.

He was tryna to fix his phone..

and still trying..

and trying..

and still trying with serious face..

and finally, he smile (it means his phone was back to normal) hahaha!

he tried to take a candid shoot, but I knew it first before he shoot. HAHA

he was succeed for once, but..

 he try to candid me, but I was smiling, hyahaha!

poker face

and we were leaving.

I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes, I want that shoes,
I want that shoes

July 14, 2011

New haircut !!

for the 5th times I've cut my hair in this year :))